I have a data file (stat_data_raw.dat). I need to build such a diagram based on it.
Is it possible to do it this way in gnuplot? I broke my head while trying to do this in gnuplot. Such a chart as in the picture is built in Excel.
Data file: stat_data_raw.dat ( https://dropmefiles.com/oeO1L )
Build in Excel: pivot_and_chart.xlsx ( https://dropmefiles.com/xdoqy )
I've already tried a lot. I am using gnuplot v5.4 patchlevel 3. I have already visited a bunch of pages on the Internet, including the official website and Stack Overflow. But I could not find a suitable script for me to adapt for myself. Even though I know some algorithmic programming languages, the syntax of gnuplot seems strange and confusing to me. It is a pity that there is no visual editor in which one could build and set up a graph, and then export it to the gnuplot format.
I also visited the page http://gnuplot.sourceforge.net/demo_5.4/boxes3d.html many times, but the example given there is too simple. The data in the candlesticks.dat file is very primitive.
I tried to build a graph based on the stat_data_matrix.dat file (https://dropmefiles.com/omptl) The data is in the form of a matrix. I can prepare the input data in any format (in the form of a matrix or, as in the first case, flat data). I don't know how best to work with gnuplot.
The maximum that I got on the matrix data:
set terminal qt size 1920, 1080
set encoding utf8
set datafile separator '\t'
set xyplane 0
set boxwidth .3
set boxdepth .3
set cbrange [0.5:15]
unset key; unset colorbox
set view 44, 200
splot for [col = 2:30] 'c:\LOAD\GNUPLOT\stat_data_matrix.dat' u ($0):(col):(column(col)):(col):xtic(1) with boxes lc pal title columnhead
The examples on the gnuplot homepage are a starting point, but sometimes it requires a lot more (commands, experience and understanding) to get the desired graph with all "tricks" and "treats".
I took your text data (not the matrix data).
Your datafile separator is actually TAB
, although it might be easier to keep separator whitespace (and not switch to TAB
only, i.e. datafile separator tab
Hence, the first column is a time format, the second column is just "user", the 3rd column the user number, and the 4th column the z-value. I guess it is redundant to write 32 times "user" on the tic label, so I put it once into the y-label.
Some more comments:
01.01.1970 00:00:00
, that's why the boxwidth is 24*3600
= 1 day, and tic spacing says set xtics 24*3600
.help datafile separator
, help timecolumn
, help view
, basically to every command you should find a help entry.Update:
with labels
(check help labels
).help mxtics
.As mentioned earlier, depending on the data, hiding of data by higher 3D-bars in front probably cannot be avoided completely. In order to minimize this the users are sorted by highest average. For this, you need to implement a few more lines:
help table
) using the options smooth unique
and smooth zsort
(check help smooth
(check help stats
) to put the order of users into the variable USERS
.help ternary
) to filter the data and plot it in the sequence given by USERS
, check help xticlabels
.Edit: if you set the tics via yticlabels()
, you won't see the mytics
anymore and the minor y-grid lines will not show up. Hence, you have to add the ytic labels manually (pretty annyoing)!
As you can see, if you want to rearrange data a bit it can get pretty awkward in gnuplot, which is not easy to understand for a beginner. Well, gnuplot wants to be a plotting tool, not a data processing tool.
Data: SO73521453.dat
(TAB cannot be displayed here, but in the example below we are using whitespace anyway)
Date User Count
2022-07-29 User 1 53
2022-07-29 User 2 3
2022-07-29 User 3 1
2022-07-29 User 4 2
2022-07-29 User 5 1
2022-07-29 User 6 5
2022-07-29 User 7 1
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2022-08-01 User 1 37
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2022-08-01 User 4 4
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2022-08-01 User 6 7
2022-08-01 User 9 1
2022-08-01 User 8 1
2022-08-01 User 12 12
2022-08-02 User 1 40
2022-08-02 User 3 2
2022-08-02 User 4 13
2022-08-02 User 5 1
2022-08-02 User 6 6
2022-08-02 User 10 1
2022-08-02 User 12 11
2022-08-03 User 1 25
2022-08-03 User 2 5
2022-08-03 User 13 4
2022-08-03 User 3 4
2022-08-03 User 14 2
2022-08-03 User 4 10
2022-08-03 User 5 1
2022-08-03 User 6 5
2022-08-03 User 15 1
2022-08-03 User 12 2
2022-08-04 User 1 81
2022-08-04 User 3 1
2022-08-04 User 14 1
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2022-08-05 User 1 40
2022-08-05 User 14 2
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2022-08-05 User 6 3
2022-08-05 User 9 3
2022-08-05 User 10 1
2022-08-05 User 19 1
2022-08-05 User 15 1
2022-08-05 User 18 4
2022-08-05 User 12 17
2022-08-06 User 1 1
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2022-08-07 User 12 2
2022-08-08 User 1 30
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2022-08-09 User 22 1
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2022-08-10 User 1 61
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2022-08-10 User 24 1
2022-08-10 User 25 1
2022-08-10 User 15 1
2022-08-10 User 12 10
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2022-08-11 User 1 27
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2022-08-11 User 26 1
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2022-08-12 User 1 23
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2022-08-12 User 13 7
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2022-08-12 User 6 11
2022-08-12 User 20 1
2022-08-12 User 10 1
2022-08-12 User 12 4
2022-08-13 User 11 2
2022-08-14 User 1 2
2022-08-15 User 1 59
2022-08-15 User 2 3
2022-08-15 User 13 5
2022-08-15 User 3 2
2022-08-15 User 14 1
2022-08-15 User 4 3
2022-08-15 User 5 1
2022-08-15 User 6 9
2022-08-15 User 24 1
2022-08-15 User 26 1
2022-08-15 User 27 1
2022-08-15 User 28 1
2022-08-15 User 12 6
2022-08-15 User 23 2
2022-08-16 User 1 53
2022-08-16 User 11 1
2022-08-16 User 13 2
2022-08-16 User 3 1
2022-08-16 User 6 2
2022-08-16 User 24 1
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2022-08-16 User 12 7
2022-08-17 User 1 58
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2022-08-17 User 4 3
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2022-08-17 User 6 9
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2022-08-17 User 29 1
2022-08-17 User 12 23
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2022-08-18 User 1 54
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2022-08-18 User 28 1
2022-08-18 User 8 1
2022-08-18 User 12 17
2022-08-19 User 1 64
2022-08-19 User 2 1
2022-08-19 User 13 2
2022-08-19 User 3 1
2022-08-19 User 6 5
2022-08-19 User 24 2
2022-08-19 User 9 1
2022-08-19 User 8 1
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2022-08-20 User 1 1
2022-08-20 User 11 2
2022-08-20 User 6 2
2022-08-21 User 1 2
2022-08-21 User 6 3
2022-08-22 User 1 60
2022-08-22 User 2 2
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2022-08-22 User 13 7
2022-08-22 User 3 1
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2022-08-22 User 6 10
2022-08-22 User 28 1
2022-08-22 User 8 1
2022-08-22 User 12 16
2022-08-22 User 23 1
2022-08-23 User 1 31
2022-08-23 User 2 1
2022-08-23 User 13 4
2022-08-23 User 14 1
2022-08-23 User 6 3
2022-08-23 User 16 1
2022-08-23 User 18 1
2022-08-23 User 12 15
2022-08-24 User 1 50
2022-08-24 User 13 2
2022-08-24 User 3 3
2022-08-24 User 14 1
2022-08-24 User 5 2
2022-08-24 User 6 5
2022-08-24 User 9 1
2022-08-24 User 28 1
2022-08-24 User 12 3
2022-08-25 User 1 32
2022-08-25 User 11 1
2022-08-25 User 13 4
2022-08-25 User 30 1
2022-08-25 User 5 2
2022-08-25 User 6 4
2022-08-25 User 16 1
2022-08-25 User 9 1
2022-08-25 User 15 1
2022-08-25 User 12 24
2022-08-26 User 1 11
2022-08-26 User 2 1
2022-08-26 User 13 8
2022-08-26 User 5 1
2022-08-26 User 6 7
2022-08-26 User 31 14
2022-08-26 User 28 1
2022-08-26 User 12 2
2022-08-27 User 2 2
2022-08-27 User 5 1
2022-08-27 User 31 2
2022-08-27 User 9 2
2022-08-27 User 28 1
2022-08-28 User 28 1
### 3D bars with labels and sorting
reset session
FILE = "SO73521453.dat"
# sort users by highest average
set table $Temp1
plot FILE u 3:4 smooth unique # get average for each user
set table $Temp2
plot $Temp1 u 1:2:(-$2) smooth zsort # sort by highest average
unset table
USERS = ''
stats $Temp2 u (USERS=sprintf("%s %d",USERS,$1)) nooutput # get user order in a string
set datafile separator whitespace
set format x "%b %d" timedate
myBoxSize = 1.0
set boxwidth 24*3600*myBoxSize
set boxdepth myBoxSize
set wall y0 fc "white"
set wall x1 fc "white"
set xyplane at 0
set xtics 24*3600 out scale 0,1 font ",7" offset -1,0.2
set mxtics 2
set ytics 1 out scale 0,1 font ",7" offset 0,0.2
set mytics 2
set ylabel "user" rotate parallel font ",14" offset 0,1
set grid mx,my,z lt 1 lc "grey"
set key noautotitle
set xrange [:] noextend reverse
set yrange [0.5:words(USERS)+0.5] noextend
set view 30,225
set style textbox opaque fc rgb 0x77ffffff
set format y ""
set for [i=1:words(USERS)] label i word(USERS,i) at graph 0, first i, first 0 \
offset 0,-0.5,0 rotate by 0 left font ",9"
splot for [i=1:words(USERS)] FILE u (timecolumn(1,"%Y-%m-%d")):(i):\
($3==word(USERS,i)?$4:NaN):(i) w boxes lc var, \
for [i=1:words(USERS)] '' u (timecolumn(1,"%Y-%m-%d")):(i):\
($3==word(USERS,i)?$4:NaN):4 w labels boxed font ",8"
### end of script
Result: (certainly still to be optimized)