So I'm fairly new to Near protocol. I created a near app using
npx create-near-app@latest
hello-near was the default name of the near app and folder so i just pressed enter.
npm install -g near-cli
cd hello-near
npm run build:contract
So, everything above ran smoothly. But when I went to deploy it using the command
near dev-deploy build/hello-near.wasm
And gives this output.
Starting deployment. Account id: dev-1660902746796-39871857513719, node:, helper:, file: contract/build/hello_near.wasm
Transaction Id F7FWUEbKFqoWs9yNvk156bdmzWhHfnJ9exhWNHPREMAb
To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser
Done deploying to dev-1660902746796-39871857513719
The transaction has succeeded. But right after this, it throws a long error :
in short, it says ECONNREFUSED
The problem was with my DNS. was not getting connected because I had adguardDNS. I changed my DNS to / and that solved the Issue and authentication was successful.