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capture pattern_X repeatedly, then capture pattern_Y once, then repeat until EOS

[update:] Accepted answer suggests, this can not be done with the python re library in one step. If you know otherwise, please comment.

I'm reverse-engineering a massive ETL pipeline, I'd like to extract the full data lineage from stored procedures and views.

I'm struggling with the following regexp.

import re

select_clause = "`data_staging`.`CONVERT_BOGGLE_DATE`(`landing_boggle_replica`.`CUST`.`u_birth_date`) AS `birth_date`,`data_staging`.`CONVERT_BOGGLE_DATE`(`landing_boggle_replica`.`CUST`.`u_death_date`) AS `death_date`,(case when (isnull(`data_staging`.`CONVERT_BOGGLE_DATE`(`landing_boggle_replica`.`CUST`.`u_death_date`)) and (`landing_boggle_replica`.`CUST`.`u_cust_type` <> 'E')) then timestampdiff(YEAR,`data_staging`.`CONVERT_BOGGLE_DATE`(`landing_boggle_replica`.`CUST`.`u_birth_date`),curdate()) else NULL end) AS `age_in_years`,nullif(`landing_boggle_replica`.`CUST`.`u_occupationCode`,'') AS `occupation_code`,nullif(`landing_boggle_replica`.`CUST`.`u_industryCode`,'') AS `industry_code`,((`landing_boggle_replica`.`CUST`.`u_intebank` = 'Y') or (`sso`.`u_mySecondaryCust` is not null)) AS `online_web_enabled`,(`landing_boggle_replica`.`CUST`.`u_telebank` = 'Y') AS `online_phone_enabled`,(`landing_boggle_replica`.`CUST`.`u_hasProBank` = 1) AS `has_pro_bank`"

# this captures every occurrence of the source fields, but not the target
okay_pattern = r"(?i)((`[a-z0-9_]+`\.`[a-z0-9_]+`)[ ,\)=<>]).*?"

# this captures the target too, but captures only the first input field
wrong_pattern = r"(?i)((((`[a-z0-9_]+`\.`[a-z0-9_]+`)[ ,\)=<>]).*?AS (`[a-z0-9_]+)`).*?)"

re.findall(okay_pattern, select_clause)
re.findall(wrong_pattern, select_clause)

TLDR: I'd like to capture

[aaa, bbb, XXX],
[eee, fff, ..., ooo, YYY],
[ppp, ZZZ]

from a string like

"[many] YYY...ppp...ZZZ...."

where a,b,e,f,h match one pattern, X,Y,Z match another, and the first pattern might occur up to ~20 times, before the second one appears, which always appears alone.

I'm open to solutions with the sqlglot, sql-metadata, or sqlparse libraries as well, it is just regex is better documented.

(Probably I'm code golfing, and I should do this in several steps, starting with splitting the string into individual expressions.)


  • You may use this regex with 3 capture and 1 non-capture groups:


    RegEx Demo


    import re
    s = ''
    print (re.findall(r'(\w+)\.+(\w+)(?:\.+(\w+))?', s))


    [('aaa', 'bbb', 'XXX'), ('eee', 'fff', 'YYY'), ('hhh', 'ZZZ', '')]