i use this code to make a href link for show my news site
<a asp-page="ShowNews" asp-route-Id="@item.NewsID">
and finally in my adress bar get this adress:
but i want get values in address bar like this:
You can change the route parameter from Id to the Title.
<a asp-page="ShowNews" asp-route-title="@item. Title">
Then in the ShowNews page's OnGet method, according to the title to find the News. The could as below:
public async Task<IActionResult> OnGetAsync(string? title)
if (title == null || _context.NewsModel == null)
return NotFound();
var newsmodel = await _context.NewsModel.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Title== title);
if (newsmodel == null)
return NotFound();
NewsModel = newsmodel;
return Page();
And in the ShowNews.chstml page, set the @page
directive like this:
@page "/news/ShowNews/{title}"
The output as below: