I have a Flutter application publishing to 'topic1' and currently listening to 'topic1'.
{required String host,
required String topic,
required String identifier,
required MQTTAppState state})
_identifier = 'id',
_host = '',
_topic = 'topic1',
_currentState = state;
I want to publish to 'topic1' and then listener to a reply on 'topic2'
Is this possible with mqtt_client?
void onConnected() {
print('EXAMPLE::Mosquitto client connected....');
_client!.subscribe(_topic, MqttQos.atLeastOnce);
_client!.updates!.listen((List<MqttReceivedMessage<MqttMessage?>>? c) {
// ignore: avoid_as
final MqttPublishMessage recMess = c![0].payload as MqttPublishMessage;
// final MqttPublishMessage recMess = c![0].payload;
final String pt =
'EXAMPLE::Change notification:: topic is <${c[0].topic}>, payload is <-- $pt -->');
'EXAMPLE::OnConnected client callback - Client connection was sucessful');
The publish string
void publish(String message) {
final MqttClientPayloadBuilder builder = MqttClientPayloadBuilder();
_client!.publishMessage(_topic1, MqttQos.exactlyOnce, builder.payload!);
The subscribe string
_client!.subscribe(_topic2, MqttQos.atLeastOnce);
You can see the two different topics.
import 'package:mqtt_client/mqtt_client.dart';
import 'package:flutter_mqtt/mqtt/state/mqtt_app_state.dart';
import 'package:mqtt_client/mqtt_server_client.dart';
class MQTTManager {
// Private instance of client
final MQTTAppState _currentState;
MqttServerClient? _client;
final String _identifier;
final String _host;
final String _topic1;
final String _topic2;
// Constructor
// ignore: sort_constructors_first
{required String host,
required String topic,
required String identifier,
required MQTTAppState state})
: //_identifier = identifier,
_identifier = 'id',
//_host = host,
_host = '',
//_topic = topic,
_topic1 = 'topic1',
_topic2 = 'topic2',
_currentState = state;
void initializeMQTTClient() {
_client = MqttServerClient(_host, _identifier);
//_client = MqttServerClient('', 'Where');
_client!.port = 1883;
_client!.keepAlivePeriod = 20;
_client!.onDisconnected = onDisconnected;
_client!.secure = false;
_client!.logging(on: true);
/// Add the successful connection callback
_client!.onConnected = onConnected;
_client!.onSubscribed = onSubscribed;
final MqttConnectMessage connMess = MqttConnectMessage()
'willtopic') // If you set this you must set a will message
.withWillMessage('My Will message')
.startClean() // Non persistent session for testing
print('EXAMPLE::Mosquitto client connecting....');
_client!.connectionMessage = connMess;
// Connect to the host
// ignore: avoid_void_async
void connect() async {
assert(_client != null);
try {
print('EXAMPLE::Mosquitto start client connecting....');
await _client!.connect();
} on Exception catch (e) {
print('EXAMPLE::client exception - $e');
void disconnect() {
void publish(String message) {
final MqttClientPayloadBuilder builder = MqttClientPayloadBuilder();
_client!.publishMessage(_topic1, MqttQos.exactlyOnce, builder.payload!);
/// The subscribed callback
void onSubscribed(String topic) {
print('EXAMPLE::Subscription confirmed for topic $topic');
/// The unsolicited disconnect callback
void onDisconnected() {
print('EXAMPLE::OnDisconnected client callback - Client disconnection');
if (_client!.connectionStatus!.returnCode ==
MqttConnectReturnCode.noneSpecified) {
print('EXAMPLE::OnDisconnected callback is solicited, this is correct');
/// The successful connect callback
void onConnected() {
print('EXAMPLE::Mosquitto client connected....');
_client!.subscribe(_topic2, MqttQos.atLeastOnce);
_client!.updates!.listen((List<MqttReceivedMessage<MqttMessage?>>? c) {
// ignore: avoid_as
final MqttPublishMessage recMess = c![0].payload as MqttPublishMessage;
// final MqttPublishMessage recMess = c![0].payload;
final String pt =
'EXAMPLE::Change notification:: topic is <${c[0].topic}>, payload is <-- $pt -->');
'EXAMPLE::OnConnected client callback - Client connection was sucessful');