In Word, I had to convert my footnotes to lines appearing at the end of each file to able to make changes in formatting. Some macro I found online was using braces and I ended up using also highlighting so I can see easily where my footnotes used to be. In this way, I have the following strings twice in my documents in the main text and also at the end of each document, sort of like makeshift endnotes.
I want to be able to match those instances in the text and convert them to proper markdown now. The problem is that the in-text format
[^1], [^2], etc.
will be different from what needs to come at the bottom with a semi-colon added:
So I'm guessing I'll have to live with replacing my old formatting with the new ones with semi-colons and deleting the semi-colons individually while I edit/clean up my text in the future. Without adding the semi-colon, it won't work.
My question is how to use the regex to match the two-digit strings with braces and equation marks.
did not work.
Also, as I am no pro, I would need the replacement as well. It probably will be
I reckon. Apparently, the equal mark doesn't have to be escaped.
Current format:
...some text...makeshift footnote in the format of
=={one- or two-digit number with no spaces in between}==
For example,
Desired result for all occurences recursively:
. . .
The markdown format is single square brackets with a caret and a number, also a semi-colon with the actual footnotes. Usually the number goes up to 42-45 maximum but it doesn't matter, the two digit regex is needed. As I said, the semi-colon will be needed in all instances.
You have just some errors in your regex, you forget to escaped the d
for digit, it should be \d
and the capture group must not include the curly braces.
=={ # literally
(\d{1,2}) # group 1, 1 or 2 digits
}== # literally
Screenshot (before):
Screenshot (after):