lately I've been getting an error for some applications. They are not working as normally before. I think some system update caused this issue. I'm using ubuntu 22.04.
I've already check this: Snap-confine has elevated permissions and is not confined but should be. Refusing to continue to avoid permission escalation attacks
and Diego V's answer is working for me. However, it only works until system reboot, after system restart the problem is re-occurring, and I have to do the fix (with the cmds) every time after reboot. Is there a permanent fix for this problem ?
I was having the exact same issue (also on Ubuntu 22.04) and found that apparmor was inactive:
$ systemctl status apparmor
I enabled apparmor:
$ sudo systemctl enable apparmor
which starts appormor at boot (it does not start it in the current session: sudo systemctl start apparmor).