I was always facing this memory leak warning without paying much attention to it, but now I'm looking into how to deal with it and, as I know I shouldn't use WeakReference and that sort of "tricks" to avoid it, come to what I think could be a possible and simple solution.
My idea is as follows:
I have a singleton class (object) which holds all my app configuration, where I initialize a context from the Application class like this:
object AppSettings {
lateinit var context: Context
fun init(appContext: Context){
this.context = appContext
typealias aw = AppSettings
class AWApplication : MultiDexApplication() {
override fun onCreate() {
I initialize that context not only in ApplicationClass, but in every activity OnCreate (which inherits from BaseActivity):
open class BaseActivity {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
And finally, I can access context wherever it is needed as follows:
object RandomObject {
fun DoWhatever() {
Well, this is my possible solution and I would like to know Android gurus from SO opinion about it.
Maybe I'm leaking memory in my App Settings -where I had initially store context-, but Android Studio is not complaining about it, so I am not sure.
In the end, I'm trying to avoid passing context as a method parameter in every place it is needed for code simplicity.
"other stuff" are common between all activities and they need just ApplicationContext, then why you don't use application context in AppSettings. and thats it. BTW your solution will not leak, if and only if you call your AppSettings.init(this) in all activities. and you don't guarantee that .
in other words "the code doesn't leak now but may be in the future" - vulnerable
if you have functions thats related to activities, fragments or any class you want, you can use extension functions for that
you should create a kotlin file with name for ex ActivityExt. and write all of your cases that you need for activities . if you need functions for fragments you should also create another kotlin file with name FragmentExt..etc