I have values in column B
that cahnge based on the ticker present in column A
1 |VIX | 24.14
2 |NQ | 12,141
this can become this
1 |SPX | 2,000.50
2 |US10Y | 0
Every time I change to a ticker with different precision, I have to manually modify the Number Format
to accomodate the best visualisation.
For instance with the change above the new Number Format
should become:
1 |SPX | 2,000
2 |US10Y | 0.005
How can I make a custom formula or script that changes the Number Format
based on how big the number is?
In a googlesheet pseudo script language it should be something like:
changesNumberFormat(cell) {
let value = cell.value
if (value > 100) {
} elseif (value < 0.1) {
} else {cell.numberFormat("0.#")}
I told it would have been something straight forward but I can't evenunderstand how to take the value of the cell where the formula is applied to.
Script doesn't seem to be necessary. You can set the number format for the entire data range with meta instructions:
[condition] Replaces the default positive, negative, or zero comparison of the section with another conditional expression. For example, [<100]”Low”;[>1000]”High”;000 will render the word “Low” for values below 100, “High” for values above 1000 and a three digit number (with leading 0s) for anything in between. Conditions can only be applied to the first two sub-formats and if a number matches more than one, it will use the first one it matches. If there is a third format, it will be used for "everything else", otherwise if a number doesn’t match either format, it will be rendered as all "#"s filling up the cell width. The fourth format is always used for text, if it exists.