I am a bit new to microsoft graph api.
I am attempting to get all events for an office 365 group
I successfully got the results back microsoft graph explorer https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/graph-explorer
using the query https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups/88d59881-7b15-4adc-a756-5d10681cf99d/events
however I can't quite figure out how to do the same using the c# sdk. I can get the group information but I don't know how to get the array of events.
here is how I get the group information. but I'm unsure how to add in the events I now in ef core it would be groups.include(x => x.events)
but that doesn't seem to work using microsoft graph sdk.
public static Task<Group> GetGroup()
// Ensure client isn't null
_ = _appClient ??
throw new System.NullReferenceException("Graph has not been initialized for app-only auth");
return _appClient.Groups["88d59881-7b15-4adc-a756-5d10681cf99d"]
.Select(u => new
// Only request specific properties
Graph API Explorer has a tab Code snippets
where you can find how to rewrite the query by using SDK for selected language.