I'm learning python and I'm doing some experiment with the module graph_tool. Since the function all_circuits could take a long time to calculate all the cycles, is there a way to stop the function (for example after "X" seconds or after the iterator reaches a certain size) and continue the execution of the script? Thanks
This is quite simple, actually. The function all_circuits()
returns an iterator over all circuits. Therefore, if you want to stop early, all you need is to break the iterations:
g = collection.ns["football"]
for i, c in enumerate(all_circuits(g)):
if i > 10:
which prints
[ 0 1 25 24 11 10 5 4 9 8 7 6 2 3 26 12 13 15
14 38 18 19 29 30 35 34 31 32 21 20 17 16 23 22 47 46
49 48 44 45 33 37 36 43 42 57 56 27 62 61 54 39 60 59
58 63 64 100 99 89 88 83 53 52 40 41 67 68 50 28 69 70
65 66 75 76 95 87 86 80 79 55 94 82 81 72 74 73 110 114
104 93]
and stops.