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neo4j duration differences between "between" and "inSeconds"

I am computing the differences between datetime1 and datetime2 in minutes. First created a test node

MERGE (x:Test {id: 1})
SET = date(),
x.datetime = datetime(),
x.timestamp = timestamp(),
x.date1 = date('2022-04-08'),
x.date2 = date('2022-09-20'),
x.datetime1 = datetime('2022-02-02T15:25:33'),
x.datetime2 = datetime('2022-02-02T22:06:12')

I know the correct query is:

match (x:Test)
return duration.between(x.datetime1, x.datetime2).minutes

But hy the following will return different result compare to the above?

match (x:Test)
return duration.inSeconds(x.date1, x.date2).seconds/60

My understanding is the first query produces the time differences in minutes and the second query produces the time differences in minutes because I divided the seconds results by 60.


  • The parameters in your queries are different:

    match (x:Test)
    return duration.inSeconds(x.date1, x.date2).seconds/60 <--- date1 and date2 here
    match (x:Test)
    return duration.between(x.datetime1, x.datetime2).minutes <--- datetime1 and datetime2 here

    Try this, it will give the same output:

    match (x:Test)
    return duration.inSeconds(x.datetime1, x.datetime2).seconds/60 <--- date1 and date2 here