I am trying to delete records after expiry_date_time is less than or equal to current date time but it was not working properly.
Also giving this error
RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField Question.date_time received a naive datetime (2022-08-28 10:15:19) while time zone support is active.
API deleting wrong records.
def delete(self, request):
count = 0
count, _ = Question.objects.filter(
.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')).delete()
.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
resp = {'Total question deleted': count}
return Response(resp)
Have you tried the query
Question.objects.filter( expiry_date_time__lte=datetime.now(timezone.utc).today() .strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
itself and see whether it also returned an empty set? If it does you need to start with the queryset.
Furthermore, if your expiry_date_time
is already of type DateTimeField
, you should not parse it to a string with strftime
anymore, and maybe that the reason why it does not work :)