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why hvplot does not run successfully

loan_amnt_box =
    y='loan_amnt', subplots=True, by='loan_status', width=300, height=350, 
    title="Loan Status by Loan Amount ", xlabel='Loan Status', ylabel='Loan Amount'

installment_box =
    y='installment', subplots=True, by='loan_status', width=300, height=350, 
    title="Loan Status by Installment", xlabel='Loan Status', ylabel='Installment'

loan_amnt_box + installment_box

I run the above code and got the following error messages. Couldn't figure out what went wrong. Actually, I had no clue at all. Can anyone please take a look at this.

enter image description here enter image description here


  • This is a Bug in Holoview, which should be solved by this change in the lastes version. The line of the error now looks like this:

    #L276 legend_prop = 'legend_field' if bokeh_version >= LooseVersion('1.3.5') else 'legend'

    Try to update holoviews using pip install holoviews -U. This should solve the problem. Afterwards run your example again.

    The latest version of holoviews is 1.15.0.