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How do I add a webjob to my aspnet appservice using only the CLI

I am working on macOS with an external text editor (NOT VisualStudio). I have an project that I push to my app service using

git push azure main:master the remote is configured as such https://$name:[email protected]:443/name.git

when I go to the web jobs section in the app service to add a web job, I get the error message:

enter image description here

I want to continue using my source control push method while developing... however I would also like to add a csharp console webjob . I have followed the tutorial here (A), and have a functoining console app that consumes a message from a queue.

How can I push this extra console app to my Kudu instance? I read here that there is a 'hidden' structure not in the main doucmentation (A) I linked above for the tutorial:

Do I have to manually zip the result of dotnet publish -c Release to some Kudu folder? Or is there a more elegant way by somehow including this project inside my git repo that I push normally... or using an az cli tool to push the webjob to the app?


  • Found a way to push directly using az cli

     az webapp deploy --name $APP_NAME -g $RG \
                      --src-path \
                      --type static \
                      --target-path /home/site/Jobs/continuous/Job$RANDOM/

    for larger programs in .net I just dumped the project on Kudu, unzipped, and rebuilt (I'm on a mac m1 so can't build against x64 without some hoops, this was easier workaround)

     # on my machine
     az webapp deploy --name $APP_NAME -g $RG \
                      --src-path \
                      --type static \
                      --target-path /home/site/Jobs/continuous/Job5/

    then on the app service (using kudu cmd/powershell)

    cd /home/site/Jobs/continuous/Job5
    dotnet build -c Release
    cp bin/release/net6.0/* /home/site/Jobs/continuous/MyNewJob
    #job in MyNewJob automatically starts since this is in the 'continuous' folder