I was creating a for loop that looks for mean of price within a set array of 50. the difficulty I am having is with the collection and storage of High[0] to High[50] (Low[0] to Low[50]) data for the mean equation M= (Total Value/nbars)
I was trying to follow C++:
float arithmeticMean(float [], int);
int main()
int n, i;
float arr[50], armean;
cout<<"Enter the Size (maz. 50): ";
cout<<"\nEnter "<<n<<" Numbers: ";
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
armean = arithmeticMean(arr, n);
cout<<"\nArithmetic Mean = "<<armean;
return 0;
float arithmeticMean(float arr[], int n)
int i;
float sum=0, am;
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
sum = sum+arr[i];
am = sum/n;
return am;
And I attempted to resize the buffer and store price values, but this isn't correct, ideas?:
int d = High[50]+Low[50];
double rb[],armean;
for(int s=-1; Close[s]<d; Close[s++]) //Array Iteration Loop Forward BarsToCheck
double Meansize = ArrayResize(rb,s);
double sum = Meansize+rb[s];
armean = sum/d;
You are really getting things confused, just keep it simple. Also remember that arrays are 0 based, therefore, if you want to count 50 items you will run from 0 to 49.
double total=0.0;
int count=50;
for(int i=count-1; i>=0; i--) total+=High[i];
double mean=total/count;