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Find all the possible combinations of array elements with two attributes where neither repeats

I have two arrays:

$colors = [ 'gold', 'silver', 'bronze', 'wood' ];
$emotion = [ 'happy', 'sad', 'wow', 'angry' ];

Out of those, I can make up 16 elements, so that colors and emotion don't repeat. I can easily generate all the unique elements by nesting 2 foreach loops.

$items = array();

foreach ( $colors as $c ) {
    foreach( $emotion as $e ) {
        $items[] = array( $c => $e );

The problem is that I need to create a 4x4 grid out of those 16 elements so that every column and every row contains only 1 element with particular color AND emotion.

To further explain, one row, of 4 elements( from the $items array ), can only contain one element of each emotion and color. It can not have colors nor emotions repeat in a row. The same goes for column.

What would be the proper way to do it? I'm pretty sure I need some condition checks and recursion, but not sure how to do it.

EDIT: Add example output

As for the output, it should be an array of four arrays, 4 elements in each, like so:

array(4) {
  array(4) {
    string(5) "angry"
    string(3) "happy"
    string(3) "sad"
    string(5) "wow"
  array(4) {
    string(5) "happy"
    string(3) "wow"
    string(5) "angry"
    string(3) "sad"
  array(4) {
    string(5) "happy"
    string(3) "sad"
    string(5) "angry"
    string(3) "wow"
  array(4) {
    string(5) "happy"
    string(3) "wow"
    string(5) "angry"
    string(3) "sad"

Here's a( one of ) solution:

bronze->angry   |  gold->happy      |  silver->sad      |  wood->wow        
gold->sad       |  bronze->wow      |  wood->angry      |  silver->happy
silver->wow     |  wood->sad        |  bronze->happy    |  gold->angry  
wood->happy     |  silver->angry    |  gold->wow        |  bronze->sad



    • Ok, so you need to first collect all possible pairs as you did.
    • Now, we will try to place a pair at a location if no collision in the grid and check with other pairs.
    • If the current placement fails, we try another location and so on and so forth.

    (Scroll to the end to check with a working demo if you would like to see this in action first)


    function generateGrid($colors, $emotions, &$grid){
        $combs = [];
        foreach($colors as $color){
            foreach($emotions as $emotion){
                $combs[] = [$color, $emotion];
        /* initialize grid */
        for($i = 0; $i < count($colors); ++$i){
            for($j = 0; $j < count($emotions); ++$j){
                $grid[ $i ][ $j ] = [];
        /* initializing grid ends */
        if(makeGrid($combs, $grid, 0, count($colors) * count($emotions))){
            return true;
        $grid = [];// restore the grid to original state
        return false;


    function makeGrid($combs, &$grid, $idx, $total){
        if($idx == $total) return true;
        for($i = 0; $i < count($grid); ++$i){
            for($j = 0; $j < count($grid[ $i ]); ++$j){
                if(count($grid[ $i ][ $j ]) == 0){
                    if(noCollision($combs[ $idx ], $i, $j, $grid)){
                        $grid[ $i ][ $j ] = $combs[ $idx ];
                        if(makeGrid($combs, $grid, $idx + 1, $total)){
                            return true;
                        $grid[ $i ][ $j ] = [];
        return false;

    noCollision check method:

    function noCollision($element, $row, $col, $grid){
        $rowSet = [];
        for($i = 0; $i < count($grid[ $row ]); ++$i){
            if(count( $grid[ $row ][ $i ]) > 0){
                $rowSet[$grid[ $row ][ $i ][ 0 ]] = true;
                $rowSet[$grid[ $row ][ $i ][ 1 ]] = true;
        if(isset($rowSet[ $element[0] ]) || isset($rowSet[ $element[1] ])){
            return false;
        $colSet = [];
        for($i = 0; $i < count($grid); ++$i){
            if(count( $grid[ $i ][ $col ]) > 0){
                $colSet[$grid[ $i ][ $col ][ 0 ]] = true;
                $colSet[$grid[ $i ][ $col ][ 1 ]] = true;
        return !(isset($colSet[ $element[0] ]) || isset($colSet[ $element[1] ]));

    Driver code:

    $grid = [];
    if(generateGrid([ 'gold', 'silver', 'bronze', 'wood' ], [ 'happy', 'sad', 'wow', 'angry'], $grid)){
        throw new \Exception("No solution found!!");// or whatever you would like to have here

    Online Demo

    Code Demo to print all combinations