With Git diff, is there a way to exclude lines that contain a given string? (A parallel, of sorts, is to exclude diffs containing only white spaces with -w
.) Sometimes a Git diff returns long lists of changes that are not meaningful at a given stage of development.
For example, patches that change only UUIDs, or those that change only 'weight'. At times these changes are not significant, but nonetheless result in diffs containing many, many lines.
The Git documentation seem to mention features close to exclusion by string (git grep
and git log -L
). Is there something out there that I've not yet found, or that I've just not yet used correctly?
Ignore changes whose all lines match <regex>. This option may be specified more than once.
git diff -I"^uuid: " -- config/sync
will return a succinct list that ignores the changes in any line starting with 'uuid: '.