I am using WebRTC for video conference within my flutter app. The app works as expected in debug mode. I am able to establish the connection and the video from both ends is visible without any issues. However, when I build an apk and test it on real devices, video conferencing fails. Video from both devices is not showing up on the screen. It is only a white screen with no videos where there should be 2 videos.
Here's the code I am referring to: https://github.com/md-weber/webrtc_tutorial
What I have learnt is WebRTC is not really a production ready solution. One still needs to setup STUN/TURN server as discussed here - https://github.com/flutter-webrtc/flutter-webrtc-server/issues/30
If one is excited to explore in future, they can refer to - https://meetrix.io/blog/webrtc/coturn/installation.html https://medium.com/av-transcode/what-is-webrtc-and-how-to-setup-stun-turn-server-for-webrtc-communication-63314728b9d0
I do not have the time or energy to spend on this now, but will surely be back when we have a bigger team. For now I am going to use on of the readymade solutions in the market.