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How to deal with assets in rust?

I have several json files which contain objects that need to be exported from the module to be used(read only) in various places in the code base. Exporting a function that reads the files and parses them and invoking it every time the objects are needed seems very wasteful. In go I'd export a global variable and initialize it in init function. So how do I go about doing it in rust?


  • I guess you are using this for interface definitions between different system parts. This is a known and well understood problem and is usually solved with a build script, such as in the case of protobuf.

    There is a very good tutorial about how to use the build script to generate files.

    This is how this could look like in code.

    (All files are relative to the crate root directory)


        "example_data": 42

    use std::{
        io::{Read, Write},
    fn main() {
        // OUT_DIR is automatically set by cargo and contains the build directory path
        let out_path = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
        // The path of the input file
        let data_path_in = "shared_data.json";
        // The path in the build directory that should contain the generated file
        let data_path_out = out_path.join("");
        // Tell cargo to re-run the build script whenever the input file changes
        // The actual conversion
        let mut data_in = String::new();
            .read_to_string(&mut data_in)
            let mut out_file = File::create(data_path_out).unwrap();
                "::lazy_static::lazy_static! {{ static ref SHARED_DATA: ::serde_json::Value = ::serde_json::json!({}); }}",

    include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
    fn main() {
        let example_data = SHARED_DATA
        println!("{}", example_data);



    Note that this still uses lazy_static, because I didn't realize that the json!() macro isn't const.

    One could of course adjust the build script to work without lazy_static, but that would probably involve writing a custom serializer that serializes the json code inside the build script into executable Rust code.

    EDIT: After further research, I came to the conclusion that it's impossible to create serde_json::Values in a const fashion. So I don't think there is a way around lazy_static.

    And if you are using lazy_static, you might as well skip the entire step and use include_str!() instead:

    use lazy_static::lazy_static;
    lazy_static! {
        static ref SHARED_DATA: serde_json::Value =
    fn main() {
        let example_data = SHARED_DATA
        println!("{}", example_data);

    However, this will result in a runtime error if the json code is broken. With the and the json!(), this will result in a compile-time error.