I have this RAWSQL query
group as (
select * from groups where id = ?
attributes as (
JSON_OBJECT('id', a.id,'name', a.name ))
from attributes a
join groups g on g.id = ?
join attribute_group ag on ag.group_id = g.id
and ag.attribute_id = a.id
templates as (
JSON_OBJECT('id', t.id,'name', t.name))
from templates t
join groups g on g.id = ?
join group_template gt on gt.group_id = g.id
and gt.template_id = t.id
select *,
(select cast(count(*) as char) from attribute_group where group_id = ? ) groups_count,
(select * from groups) groups,
(select cast(count(*) as char) from group_template where group_id = ? ) templates_count,
from group
I have this error
Query 1 ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'group as (
The documentation advises to not use reserved words like group and groups. They are reserved characters and should only be used for things like the GROUP BY
GROUPING (R); added in 8.0.1 (reserved)
GROUPS (R); added in 8.0.2 (reserved)
Outside of that, I noticed a few syntax errors:
, which it looks like you do, you
can escape the reserved word by using back ticks `` or double quotes "" (I.e. `group`, "group").,
after templates_count,
with a valid id
column value (I used 1
below).Like so:
`group` as (
select * from `groups` where id = 1
attributes as (
JSON_OBJECT('id', a.id,'name', a.name ))
from attributes a
join `groups` g on g.id = 1
join attribute_group ag on ag.group_id = g.id
and ag.attribute_id = a.id
templates as (
JSON_OBJECT('id', t.id,'name', t.name))
from templates t
join `groups` g on g.id = 1
join group_template gt on gt.group_id = g.id
and gt.template_id = t.id
select *,
(select cast(count(*) as char) from attribute_group where group_id = 1 ) groups_count,
(select * from `groups`) `groups`,
(select cast(count(*) as char) from group_template where group_id = 1 ) templates_count
from `group`