I've discovered a new thing about Postgres: Composite types. I really like this approach and it will be very useful for me.
The problem is that rails' ActiveRecord don't have native support for this.
Do you ever used Postgres' composite types with Rails? Was a good experience or do you prefer the common approach of creating new models for this nested data?
Tks! :-)
This is an interesting feature of PostgreSQL, however I have not had a chance to work with it.
A few things come to mind on the Rails side:
A few things come to mind on the database side:
Unless the specific application you have in mind has compelling benefits, I would suggest a more normalized approach. Instead of:
CREATE TYPE inventory_item AS (
name text,
supplier_id integer,
price numeric
CREATE TABLE on_hand (
item inventory_item,
count integer
INSERT INTO on_hand VALUES (ROW('fuzzy dice', 42, 1.99), 1000);
You could achieve a similar result by doing the following, while keeping full support for ActiveRecord without having to extend the Postgres adapter, or create custom classes:
CREATE TABLE inventory_item (
id integer,
name text,
supplier_id integer,
price numeric
CREATE TABLE on_hand (
inventory_item_id integer,
count integer
INSERT INTO inventory_item VALUES ('fuzzy dice', 42, 1.99) RETURNS INTEGER;
INSERT INTO on_hand VALUES (<inventory_item_id>, 1000);