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Placing Spaces Between the Titles of Plots

I made this pie chart in R:


    df <- read.csv("", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    df <- df[which(df$year==2007 & df$continent=='Asia'),]
    fig <- plot_ly(df, type='pie', labels = ~country, values = ~pop, textposition = 'inside')
    fig1 <- fig %>% layout(uniformtext=list(minsize=12, mode='hide'))
     fig1 <- fig1 %>% add_annotations(
        text="Countries of the World", 

enter image description here

Everything works fine here, but I notice that when I am working with my real data, the title of the pie chart and the actual pie chart always come very close to intersecting with each other - I would like to try and change this.

I was thinking if there might be a way to avoid this problem. I thought that perhaps I could add more space between the title and the actual pie chart to avoid this problem from happening. I found this post here (how to adjust title space and plot plotly in r) and tried to apply the advice that was suggested in the answer:

mrg <- list(l = 50, r = 50,
            b = 50, t = 50,
            pad = 20)

fig1 %>% layout(margin = mrg) 

However, this has not seemed to add any space between the pie chart and the title of the pie chart.

  • Can someone please show me how to do this correctly?

Thank you!


  • Here is one option making use of layout for the title and adjusting the spacing. Then, you can just adjust the margins to get the desired spacing.

    plot_ly(df, type='pie', labels = ~country, values = ~pop, textposition = 'inside') %>% 
      layout(uniformtext=list(minsize=12, mode='hide')) %>% 
      layout(title = list(text = 'Countries of the World',
                          x=0.43, font=list(size = 30)),
             autosize = T, 
             margin=list( l = 50, r = 50, b = 100, t = 100,  pad = 4))


    enter image description here