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substitution of one letter for another cipher key

So I am working on a SC50 problem where I need to make a simple cipher and be able to encrypt words or sentences... After 2 full days I actually kindof figured it all out, but my code was really long and after some googling I found a version out there that was much better. And it was real easy and all, except for the part where there is stuff that I don't really understand how it works, and I would really like to find out how... so here is the full code below (unfortunately I can't seem to find the original source of the code right now, but I actually did at least half of it myself, and only the part after "//SUBSTITUTION is copied) :

and also, what I wonder about, are these two rows:

printf("%c", toupper(arg[plaintext[i] - 65]));  //calculation to print the encipher text amd make sure it is Uppercase (case doesn't change)


printf("%c", tolower(argv[1][plaintext[i] - 97]));  ///calculation to print the encipher text amd make sure it is lowercase(case doesn't change)

...I can't wrap my head around, how the calculation "-65" and "-66" are solving the issue... Lets say that in my key, the first letter is a Q, and when I write and A, it should be substituted for a Q...

A = 65 and Q = 81 on the Ascii table, so when I take 65 - 65... mm why would I do that? obviously it needs to be done for this program to work correctly, but I don't understand how it works and what actually happens...

what is the logic behind these calculations? please help!

#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int main(int argc, string argv[]) {
    if (argc != 2) {
        printf("Usage: ./substitution key\n");
        return 1;

    string arg = argv[1];
    int chars = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < strlen(arg); i++) {
        if (isalpha(arg[i])) {
            for (int j = i+1; j < strlen(arg); j++) {
                if (toupper(arg[j]) == toupper(arg[i])) {
                    printf("Key must not contain repeated alphabets.\n");
                    return 1;

            chars += 1;

    if (chars != 26) {
        printf("Key must contain 26 characters.\n");
        return 1;

    printf("%s\n", arg);
    string plaintext = get_string("plaintext: ");   //Getting user's input as plaintext
    printf("ciphertext: ");                         //to print the ciphertext
    int plaintext_length = strlen(plaintext);       //get the strlen of plaintext (user's input)

    for (int i = 0; i < plaintext_length; i++) {      //iterate over the plaintext_Length
        if (isupper(plaintext[i])) {                  //check if plaintext character is uppercase
            printf("%c", toupper(arg[plaintext[i] - 65]));  //calculation to print the encipher text amd make sure it is Uppercase (case doesn't change)
        else if (islower(plaintext[i])) {  //check if plaintext character is lowercase
            printf("%c", tolower(arg[plaintext[i] - 97]));  ///calculation to print the encipher text amd make sure it is lowercase(case doesn't change)
        else {   //if plaintext is anything else, print it like that without changing
            printf("%c", plaintext[i]);

    printf("\n");  //print new line    


  • In general it is a bad code.

    For example instead of using magic numbers 65 or 97

    printf("%c", toupper(arg[plaintext[i] - 65]));
    printf("%c", tolower(argv[1][plaintext[i] - 97])); 

    it is better to write

    printf("%c", toupper(arg[plaintext[i] - 'A']));
    printf("%c", tolower(argv[1][plaintext[i] - 'a']));

    argv[1] or arg contains a string of 26 letters as for example


    If you have a string as for example "Hello" then 'H' - 'A' gives the value 7. Using the number you can find at position 7 in the array pointed by the string argv[1] or arg the letter t


    So the letter 'H' in the source string is coded like the letter 'T'. For the second letter 'e' you have 'e' - 'a' is equal to 4. So you have


    So the first two letter of the string "Hello" becomes "Tbllo". This approach is used for the remaining letters of the source string to encrypt it.