I have some folders containing many jpg pictures (number depends on the folder)
I would like for instance to combine every 4 pict** together with the title of the image (see pict below).
(In case there is not exactly 4 image on the last sequence, I should get the number of left picture such as 3 2 or 1)
**Ideally I could change that number to other numbers like 5 6 10 (the number I chose would depend on the context) and I could chose the number of columns (I showed 2 column in my example below)
How can i perform this on Linux command or any Linux free/open-source software?
As I did not find what I want I created my own python code to solve this (it's probably not the most perfects script of the century but it works)
Prints a collage according to desired number of column and rows with title of file
1. Put all jpg picture in same folder [tested sucessfully on 12mb per pict]
2. select desired columns in NO_COL
3. select desired rowsin in NO_ROW
4. run the script which will output the collage with <cur_date>_export.png files
#import libraries
import time
import os
import imageio as iio
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def render_collage(pict_file_name_list):
""" create one collage """
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(40, 28)) #change if needed
cnt = 1
for cur_img_name in pict_file_name_list:
img_var = iio.imread(cur_img_name)
fig.add_subplot(NO_COL, NO_ROW, cnt)
plt.title(cur_img_name, fontsize = 30) #change if needed
cnt = cnt + 1
cur_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%s")
NO_COL = 3
NO_ROW = 3
img_list_name = [elem for elem in os.listdir() if 'jpg' in elem] #keep only file having .jpg
while len(img_list_name) >= 1:
sub_list = img_list_name[:NBR_IMG_COLLAGE]
del img_list_name[:NBR_IMG_COLLAGE]