I'm trying to write a custom sensor that inherits BaseSensorOperator and SSHOperator. in the sensor body I override poke
and execute
class mysensor (BaseSensorOperator,SSHOperator):
template_fields = ("my_param")
def __init__ (
my_param = None,
self.my_param = my_param
command = "some bash command",
ssh_conn_id = "some connection"
def poke(self, context):
... (implemented poke)
def execute():
...(implemented execute)
Custom sensors are required to implement only the poke
function. You should not override the execute
function (unless you really know what you are doing). The execute function is implemented in BaseSensorOperator
and that is what gives sensors their capabilities.
In your case you should not use SSHOperator
, you should use SSHHook
Your Sensor should look like:
from airflow.providers.ssh.hooks.ssh import SSHHook
class Mysensor(BaseSensorOperator):
def poke(self,context):
hook = SSHHook(...)
# add your sensor logic here