I'm currently learning react but for a reason I don't understand what I am doing wrong , I am trying to generate components dynamically using the map function on a array to render the components . here's my code , I didn't find what I was looking for on the internet , thanks for your help . here's the errors that my console is returning me :
Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: object.
I also followed a bunch of tutorials and they all seems to be doing exactly like this also when I try to render the components using only the props of the objects of the array and putting it into a native dom element it is perfectly working .
import React from "react";
import "./index.css"
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
function App() {
const array = [
setup:"c'est un setup",
punchline:"c'est une punchline"
setup:"c'est un setup",
punchline:"c'est une punchline"
setup:"c'est un setup",
punchline:"c'est une punchline"
setup:"c'est un setup",
punchline:"c'est une punchline"
const joke = array.map( Joke =>{
<Joke setup={Joke.setup} punchline={Joke.punchline}/>
let root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.querySelector("#root"));
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
export default App = () => {
const array = [
setup: "c'est un setup",
punchline: "c'est une punchline"
setup: "c'est un setup",
punchline: "c'est une punchline"
setup: "c'est un setup",
punchline: "c'est une punchline"
setup: "c'est un setup",
punchline: "c'est une punchline"
// This is possible
// const jokes = array.map((joke) => {
// return <Joke setup={joke.setup} punchline={joke.punchline} />;
// });
// This is cleaner
return (
{array.map((joke) => {
return <Joke {...joke} />;
This should do the job.