How can I rename files in a folder that have random names and random extensions to a sequence like the example below: 0001.pdf 0002.pdf ..... 0100.png and continue.
And if possible then generate a .txt file with the names and extensions generated.
For the .txt file if not possible Powershel could be another application.
Searching I got the code below, but I can't fix it for the task I need.
Dir | Rename-Item –NewName { $ –replace " - ","0" }
Wrap the call to Rename-Item
in ForEach-Object
then maintain a counter in a variable:
$fileNumber = 1
Get-ChildItem path\to\folder\containing\random\files -File |ForEach-Object {
# Construct new file name
$newName = '{0:0000}{1}' -f $fileNumber,$_.Extension
# Perform rename
$_ |Rename-Item -NewName $newName
# Increment number