When I'm trying to run my code, I'm facing the error:
AttributeError: module 'pandas' has no attribute 'NamedAgg'
. Can someone help me with the alternative of this?. Thanks
My code:
import pandas as pd
import re
df = pd.read_excel('testingfile.xlsx')
df_grouped = df.groupby(['result_by', 'variable']).agg(count_col=pd.NamedAgg(column='variable', aggfunc="count"))
subsetDataFrame = df1[df1['result_by'].isin(['mango', 'apple','guava','berry']) ]
final_result=subsetDataFrame.pivot(index='variable',columns='result_by' ,values='count_col').fillna('-')
As explained in comment, you can do this:
df = pd.read_excel('testingfile.xlsx')
df_grouped = df.groupby(['result_by', 'variable']).agg({'variable':"count"}).rename(column={'variable':'count_col'})
The rest of the code can be the same.
Anyway your problem can be solved if you upgrade your pandas to newer (0.25+) version.