I am working on ubuntu in c++ code. I wanted to test an exmple with mcrypt from this link: http://linux.die.net/man/3/mcrypt , but whn i do:
gcc test.c -o testt -lmcrypt
there is no result back. why?
Where am I wrong?
For both examples the result is the same. appreciate!!
gcc test.c -o testt -lmcrypt
gives no result, because there is no error (see UNIX culture[1]).
Try to run the resulting binary with
to see the output (if any).
Probe the file, if you will
file ./testt
ldd ./testt
objdump -Ct ./testt
If all is well, you'll get all kinds of information about your file :)
[1]: in The Art Of Unix Programming: http://www.faqs.org/docs/artu/ch01s06.html