I'm doing research regarding Google Adsense Host API on how to split the revenue of ads between the content creators and website's owner. I've been following the instruction at https://developers.google.com/adsense/host/getting_started?authuser=3 where I was able to successfully create an Adsense Account.
But when I trigger this request: https://www.googleapis.com/adsensehost/v4.1/associationsessions/start.
I got this error:
Customer is not an AdSense Host.
I've read that the website needs 100K views/day but obviously since this is R&D and the Adsense account is new, it doesn't have that amount of views.
Is there a way to particularly test this API without the 100k/day views requirement?
Not a direct answer, but: the AdSense Host API is now in maintenance mode, so it won't be accepting any new partners; it has been replaced by AdSense for Platforms.