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How can I change the border style of React Quill container when there is an error?

I am building an editor with React Quill. Could you give some advice on how I can change the border style of the editor dynamically? The border color should be changed to red if there is an error in ReactQuill.

The following code is what I tried, but it changes the outline of the whole Quill component.

   <div className={{error ? classNameOnError : ""}>
          placeholder="Explain about the project in detail."
          onChange={(contentHtml) =>
            setValues({ ...values, content: contentHtml })
          onBlur={(e) => validate({ content: e.index })}


  • This is the way that I approached solving the issue.


    import {useState} from 'react'; 
    import './_textEditor.scss'
    const TextEditor = () => {
    const [error, setError] = useState()
       className={error ? "ql-error" : null} // Add a dynamic class 
       onChange={(contentHtml) =>
        setValues({ ...values, content: contentHtml })


    .quill.ql-error {
      .ql-toolbar {
        border-bottom: 1px solid red;
      .ql-container {
        border-left: 1px solid red;
        border-right: 1px solid red;
        border-bottom: 1px solid red;

    enter image description here