(Only to be clear, this question is regarding Intellisense only)
Here is my developing scenario:
The code compiles and runs in the Raspberry Pi (via SSH), but the problem is with Visual Studio Intellisense that cannot find the OpenSSL files.
I ran the tutorial here (https://kontext.tech/article/594/microsoft-vcpkg-c-library-manager) and installed vcpkg
vcpkg install openssl:arm64-windows
and ran the instruction to integrate to Visual Studio
vcpkg integrate install
and everything seems to be installed correctly,
PS C:\vcpkg> .\vcpkg.exe integrate install
Applied user-wide integration for this vcpkg root.
CMake projects should use: "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake"All MSBuild C++ projects can now #include any installed libraries. Linking will be handled automatically. Installing new libraries will make them instantly available.
but as this is a Makefile project (and not CMake), it still seems to have the problem with Intellisense.
Could you please help me to determine how to make Visual Studio to finally find the OpenSSL files?
Thank you.
I made progress in solving the problem in an unexpected way. As the project built successfully in the remote machine, I ignored the Intellisense problems for a while. But one day I connected to another machine and there were no problems! Intellisense found all the files.
The machine with problems had Ubuntu 20.04 and the other one Raspbian OS. The difference was that I installed OpenSSL using apt in Ubuntu,
sudo apt -y install libssl-dev
but I compiled the OpenSSL source code in the Raspbian OS. (https://www.linuxtuto.net/blog/how-to-install-OpenSSL-3-on-Ubuntu-20-04) and (https://nextgentips.com/2022/03/23/how-to-install-openssl-3-on-ubuntu-20-04/)
So I knew the problem was due to the headers.
I compiled OpenSSL from source in Ubuntu, and it didn't work. But I had a third machine with Ubuntu 22.04 and did the same, and it worked. So I knew the exact problem: Visual Studio didn't bring the headers after an initial SSH connection was made.
Problem solved!
Edit: Sometimes you must delete your Visual Studio Configuration (inside the Configuration manager). After you delete the problematic configuration, in some cases Visual Studio still shows it inside the project properties. If that is your case, you must:
Get-Project -All | Foreach { $_.ConfigurationMAnager.DeleteConfigurationRow("Name of your configuration with quotes") }
And that's it!