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How to improve performance of writing files in UWP

In the following part of my UWP application, I have a performance bottle-neck of creating a lot of large TIFF files. Is there any way to make it run faster without too many conversions and data copies? Due to platform restrictions, I am not allowed to use fopen (access denied).

std::ostringstream output_TIFF_stream;
TIFF* ofo = TIFFStreamOpen("MemTIFF", &output_TIFF_stream);

TIFFWriteRawStrip(ofo, 0, currentFrame->image, bufferSize);


auto str = output_TIFF_stream.str();
auto size = str.length();

unsigned char* chars = (unsigned char*)str.c_str();
auto byteArray = ref new Array<unsigned char>(chars, size);

DataWriter^ dataWriter = ref new DataWriter();

IBuffer^ buffer = dataWriter->DetachBuffer();

    .then([](StorageFile^ file) {
       return file->OpenTransactedWriteAsync();
    .then([buffer](StorageStreamTransaction^ transaction) {
        return transaction;
    .then([](StorageStreamTransaction^ transaction) {
        return create_task(transaction->CommitAsync());

I have tried broadFileSystemAccess but it has same problem. fopen still doesn't work.


  • I haven't found any way to speed up I/O operations in UWP. If you are writing an I/O speed critical application. I recommend using WPF or if you friendly with WRL, then the new Windows APP SDK.