final user = FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser;
if (user!.emailVerified) {
print('User is veryfied');
} else {
print('please verify');
Without it I get an error that says Property emailVerified cannot be accessed on User? because it is potentially null
but when I add ? this to avoid it
I get this error A value of type 'bool?' can't be assigned to a variable of type bool because 'bool?' is nullable and 'bool' isn't.
When you add a ? it means that it is can have a value or null. But if you add ! it means that the value cannot be null but we are unsure of the value..
Now for example if you are sure that a user is available then you can add
if for example you are unsure then you can add
Now if user is null in the second case then it cannot be used in a condition because null is not a condition like true or false. So you may have to supply a default too
(user?.emailVerified ?? false)
This means that if the previous value is null then it will use false