I find myself wanting the same functionality in Combine quite often, so I wanted to make a convenience method like so...
public extension Published.Publisher {
func sinkChanges(receiveValue: @escaping (Self.Output) -> Void) -> AnyCancellable {
.sink(receiveValue: closure)
However I'm pretty new to the syntax and I get the error
Referencing instance method 'removeDuplicates()' on 'Publisher' requires that 'Publishers.Drop<Published<Value>.Publisher>.Output' (aka 'Value') conform to 'Equatable'
I understand why and what I have to do, just no idea syntactically where it goes...
My best guess so far was
public extension Published.Publisher where Output: Equatable {
but it didn't like that... what should I be searching for?
TL;DR. Your best guess is correct.
As you might've noticed (and according to documentation), the method removeDuplicates()
is only available, when Output
conforms to Equatable
. If you want to use this method in your extension, you must guarantee that. And to do that, you can add a constraint exactly as you described:
import Combine
public extension Published.Publisher where Output: Equatable {
func sinkChanges(receiveValue: @escaping (Output) -> Void) -> AnyCancellable {
dropFirst().removeDuplicates().sink(receiveValue: receiveValue)
There's nothing wrong with extension constraints, it's a language feature. Here's one post about it.