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Swagger endless loading when i click in Execute

I am using Swagger with keycloak. I am getting the below error when I click on Execute button.

when I click on Execute on swagger I see the loading image, and there is no any request on the network tap because I have an error on the console.

I will add my config code and YML file to allow you to see what I do.

anyone can help me, please?

Here is the output in the console:

Here is the output in the console

Here is the error code in the console tap (Its generated code):

Here is the error code in the console tap

here is the swagger UI page:

here is the swagger UI page

here is the swagger config:

public class SwaggerConfiguration {

    private String apiPathRegex;
    private String securityPathRegex;
    private String nonSecurityPathRegex;
    private String title;
    private String description;
    private String contactName;
    private String contactUrl;
    private String contactEmail;
    private String version;
    private String appVersion;
    // Used to get token from Keyclaok
    private String keycloakAuthTokenUrl;
    private String keycloakRealm;
    private String keyclaokAuthCliendId;

    public Docket yousefApi() {
        TypeResolver typeResolver = new TypeResolver();
        return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
                .globalResponses(HttpMethod.GET, defaultErrorResponses(false))
                .globalResponses(HttpMethod.POST, defaultErrorResponses(true))
                .globalResponses(HttpMethod.DELETE, defaultErrorResponses(false))

    ApiListingBuilderPlugin loginEndpointListingBuilder() {
        return new ApiListingBuilderPlugin() {
            public void apply(ApiListingContext apiListingContext) {
                if (apiListingContext.getResourceGroup().getGroupName().equals("Hammad")) {
                    ApiListing apiListing = apiListingContext.apiListingBuilder().build();
                    if (apiListing.getResourcePath().equals(keycloakAuthTokenUrl)) {
                        apiListingContext.apiListingBuilder().tags(Set.of(new Tag("login-endpoint", "Login Endpoint")));
                        apiListingContext.apiListingBuilder().description("Login Endpoint");

            public boolean supports(@NotNull DocumentationType delimiter) {
                return DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2.equals(delimiter) || DocumentationType.OAS_30.equals(delimiter);

    UiConfiguration uiConfig() {
        return UiConfigurationBuilder.builder()

    private ApiKey apiKey() {
        return new ApiKey("Bearer", "X-Authorization", "header");
    private OAuth securityScheme() {
        List<GrantType> grantTypes = newArrayList(new ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant(keycloakAuthTokenUrl));
        return new OAuth("KeycloakAuth", new ArrayList<>(), grantTypes);
    private SecurityContext securityContext() {
        return SecurityContext.builder()
    private Predicate<String> apiPaths() {
        return regex(apiPathRegex);

    private Predicate<OperationContext> securityPathOperationSelector() {
        return new SecurityPathOperationSelector(securityPathRegex, nonSecurityPathRegex);

    private AuthorizationScope[] scopes() {
        AuthorizationScope[] authorizationScopes = new AuthorizationScope[3];
        authorizationScopes[0] = new AuthorizationScope(, "System administrator");
        authorizationScopes[1] = new AuthorizationScope(, "Tenant administrator");
        authorizationScopes[2] = new AuthorizationScope(, "Customer");
        return authorizationScopes;
    List<SecurityReference> defaultAuth() {
        return newArrayList(new SecurityReference("KeycloakAuth", scopes()), new SecurityReference("Bearer", scopes()));

    private ApiInfo apiInfo() {
        String apiVersion = version;
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiVersion)) {
            apiVersion = appVersion;
        return new ApiInfoBuilder()
                .contact(new Contact(contactName, contactUrl, contactEmail))

    /** Helper methods **/

    private List<Response> defaultErrorResponses(boolean isPost) {
        return List.of(
                errorResponse("400", "Bad Request",
                        ThingsboardErrorResponse.of(isPost ? "Invalid request body" : "Invalid UUID string: 123", ThingsboardErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST_PARAMS, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)),
                errorResponse("401", "Unauthorized",
                        ThingsboardErrorResponse.of("Authentication failed", ThingsboardErrorCode.AUTHENTICATION, HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)),
                errorResponse("403", "Forbidden",
                        ThingsboardErrorResponse.of("You don't have permission to perform this operation!",
                        ThingsboardErrorCode.PERMISSION_DENIED, HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN)),
                errorResponse("404", "Not Found",
                        ThingsboardErrorResponse.of("Requested item wasn't found!", ThingsboardErrorCode.ITEM_NOT_FOUND, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)),
                errorResponse("429", "Too Many Requests",
                        ThingsboardErrorResponse.of("Too many requests for current tenant!",
                        ThingsboardErrorCode.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS, HttpStatus.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS))

    private Response errorResponse(String code, String description, ThingsboardErrorResponse example) {
        return errorResponse(code, description,  List.of(errorExample("error-code-" + code, description, example)));

    private Response errorResponse(String code, String description, List<Example> examples) {
        return errorResponse(code, description, examples, ThingsboardErrorResponse.class);

    private Response errorResponse(String code, String description, List<Example> examples,
                                   Class<? extends ThingsboardErrorResponse> errorResponseClass) {
        return new ResponseBuilder()
                .apply(classRepresentation(errorResponseClass, true))

    private Example errorExample(String id, String summary, ThingsboardErrorResponse example) {
        return new ExampleBuilder()

    private Consumer<RepresentationBuilder> classRepresentation(Class<?> clazz, boolean isResponse) {
        return r -> r.model(
                m ->
                        m.referenceModel(ref ->
                                ref.key(k ->
                                        k.qualifiedModelName(q ->

    private static class SecurityPathOperationSelector implements Predicate<OperationContext> {

        private final Predicate<String> securityPathSelector;

        SecurityPathOperationSelector(String securityPathRegex, String nonSecurityPathRegex) {
            this.securityPathSelector = (not(regex(nonSecurityPathRegex)));

        public boolean test(OperationContext operationContext) {
            return this.securityPathSelector.test(operationContext.requestMappingPattern());


here is the YML file:

    token_url: ${security.keycloak.serverUrl}/realms/${security.keycloak.realm}/protocol/openid-connect/token/
    auth_url: ${security.keycloak.serverUrl}/realms/${security.keycloak.realm}/protocol/openid-connect/auth/
  api_path_regex: "${SWAGGER_API_PATH_REGEX:/api/(customer|device|user|tenant).*}"
  security_path_regex: "${SWAGGER_SECURITY_PATH_REGEX:/api/(customer|device|user|tenant).*}"
  non_security_path_regex: "${SWAGGER_NON_SECURITY_PATH_REGEX:/api/(?:noauth|v1)/.*}"
  title: "${SWAGGER_TITLE:yousefCo REST API}"
  description: "${SWAGGER_DESCRIPTION: yousefCo open-source IoT platform REST API documentation.}"
    name: "${SWAGGER_CONTACT_NAME:yousefCo Team}"
    url: "${SWAGGER_CONTACT_URL:}"
    email: "${}"
    title: "${SWAGGER_LICENSE_TITLE:Apache License Version 2.0}"
    url: "${SWAGGER_LICENSE_URL:}"
  version: "${SWAGGER_VERSION:}"



  • I think you have mixed the configuration between swagger version 2 and 3, your overall setting is configured to be used in Swagger 3.0, so

    First, You have to change the DocumentationType to OAS_30.

    Second, When using the ApiKey security scheme, note that the field name will be used as the header when calling an API, so you have to change it to:

    private ApiKey apiKey() {
        return new ApiKey("X-Authorization", "AnyNameYouWant", "header");

    Note that you have to add the Bearer word before the token, also you have to change the name SecurityReference to X-Authorization.

    Third, If you need to config the OAuth2 security scheme, instead of using the OAuth class, use the OAuth2Scheme builder class with password flow, like this:


    Don't forget to add the same scopes in SecurityReference into the OAuth2Scheme scopes.