I have a Key-Attribute-Value table in a Microsoft SQL Server that has some additional metadata around when an attribute changed and when that record entered the database. I know all of the attributes I want to pivot on, and I know I want to aggregate by MAX(EnteredAt), but I don't know how to return a single record for each Entity ID that contains the most recent value for that attribute (some attrs can be null for an entity).
Sample Data:
EntityID | Attribute | Value | ChangedAt | EnteredAt |
1 | AAttribute | 'abc' | 1/1/2020 | 1/1/2020 |
1 | BAttribute | 'xyz' | 1/1/2020 | 1/2/2020 |
1 | AAttribute | '123' | 1/2/2020 | 1/3/2020 |
1 | BAttribute | 'asd' | 1/3/2020 | 1/3/2020 |
SQL Query I've tried:
SELECT EntityID -- we want this to be the Identity column for our output
,[AAttribute] as 'AAttribute'
,[BAttribute] as 'BAttribute'
FROM [dbo].[Entity]) p
FOR Attribute IN
) AS pvt
order by pvt.ID
What I get from this is a table with my attributes as columns, but I get multiple values for each Attribute Column and multiple entries per attribute for each ID
Desired Output:
EntityID | AAttribute | BAttribute |
1 | '123' | 'asd' |
I want to use something like a MAX(EnteredAt) AND MAX(ChangedAt WHERE ChangedAt < GETDATE())
for the 'Aggregation' piece. Is PIVOT the wrong tool for this?
You can do this with the help of row_number and a little conditional aggregation:
select entityId,
Max(case when Attribute = 'AAttribute' then value end) AAttribute,
Max(case when Attribute = 'BAttribute' then value end) BAttribute
from (
select *, Row_Number() over(partition by EntityID, Attribute order by EnteredAt desc) rn
from t
where rn = 1
group by EntityID;