Let me explain as best as i can. This is about binary tree using vector.
According to author, the implementation is as follows:
A simple structure for representing a binary tree T is based on a way of numbering the nodes of T. For every node v of T, let f(v) be the integer defined as follows:
• If v is the root of T, then f(v) = 1
• If v is the left child of node u, then f(v) = 2 f(u)
• If v is the right child of node u, then f(v) = 2 f(u)+ 1
The numbering function f is known as a level numbering of the nodes in a binary tree T, because it numbers the nodes on each level of T in increasing order from left to right, although it may skip some numbers (see figures below).
Let n be the number of nodes of T, and let fM be the maximum value of f(v) over all the nodes of T. The vector S has size N = fM + 1, since the element of S at index 0 is not associated with any node of T. Also, S will have, in general, a number of empty elements that do not refer to existing nodes of T. For a tree of height h, N = O(2^h). In the worst case, this can be as high as 2^n − 1.
Any insight is appreciated.
The worst case is when the tree is degenerated to a chain from the root, where each node has two children, but at least one of which is always a leaf. When this chain has n nodes, then the height of the tree is n/2. The vector must span all the levels and allocate room for full levels, even though there is in this degenerate tree only one node per level. The size S of the vector will still be O(2h), but now that in this degenerate case h is O(n/2) = O(n), this makes it O(2n) in the worst case.
The formula 2n-1 seems to suggest the author does not have a proper binary tree in mind, and then the above reasoning should be done with a degenerate tree that consists of a single chain where every node has at the most one child.
Here is an example tree (not a proper tree, but the principle for proper trees is similar):
So n = 4, and h = 3.
The vector however needs to store all the slots where nodes could have been, so something like this:
_____ 1 _____
/ \
__2__ __ __
/ \ / \
/ \ / \ / \ / \
...so the vector has a size of 1+2+4+8 = 15. (Even 16 when we account for the unused slot 0 in the vector)
This illustrates that the size S of the vector is always O(2h). In this worst case (worst with respect to n, not with respect to h), S is O(2n).
When n=6, we could have this as a best case:
/ \
2 3
/ \ \
4 5 7
This tree can be represented by a vector of size 8, where the entries at index 0 and index 6 are filled with nulls (unused).
However, for n=6 we could have a worst case ("worst" for the impact on the vector size) when the tree is very unbalanced:
Now the tree's height is 5 instead of 2, and the vector needs to put that node 7 in the slot at index 63... S is 64. Remember that the vector spans each complete binary level, which doubles in size at each next level.
So when n is 6, S can be 8, 16, 32, or 64. It depends on the shape of the tree. In each case we have that S=O(2h). But when we express S in terms of n, then there is variation, and the best case is that S=O(n), while the worst case is S=O(2n).