this the code
class WeatherModel {
final String? date;
final double? temp;
final double? maxTemp;
final double? minTemp;
final String? weatherStateName;
required this.temp,
required this.maxTemp,
required this.minTemp,
required this.weatherStateName});
factory WeatherModel.fromJson(dynamic data) {
var jsonData = data['forecast']?['forecastday']?[0]?['day'];
return WeatherModel(
date: data['location']?['localtime'],
temp: jsonData?['avgtemp_c'],
maxTemp: jsonData?['maxtemp_c'],
minTemp: jsonData?['mintemp_c'],
weatherStateName: jsonData?['condition']?['text']);
String toString() {
return 'tem = $temp minTemp = $minTemp date = $date';
this the image []
this the result when I execute the code
I/flutter ( 5213): tem = null minTemp = null date = 2022-08-25 20:26
As I can see in picture you publish, there also result of 21 line:
is null. This means that $jsonData is null. That's why in $temp and $minTemp variables also null. Please check the structure of JSON. You can print data, to see it.