I'm trying to get an average of the previous six months counts. However, I noticed if there are only 4 previous months, it will only do an average of those 4 months instead of 6 months. Is there a way to make so I forcefully sum over the 6 months?
, st.PrevMonth
, st.[Transaction Effective Date]
, st.[Transaction Amt]
, st.CurrentMonthTransCnt
, mt.EndOfMonth
, AvgMonthlyTransCntLast6Months = AVG(isnull(cnt, 0)) OVER (PARTITION BY MT.AccountNumber order by rowid ROWS BETWEEN 1 following and 6 following)
--into #AvgCntAndStdDev
from EDWAnalytics.ML.TEMP_SymitarTransactionsFinal as ST
left join MonthlyTransCnt as MT on MT.EndOfMonth = ST.PrevMonth and ST.AccountNumber = MT.AccountNumber
where ST.AccountNumber = '0000709510'
If you want the average of the previous six months for each month then the order should be inverted:
order by rowid desc
Another option is to use the current order, but with ROWS BETWEEN 6 preceding and 1 preceding
If you want the average to always be computed over six months you should replace avg
with sum/6
isnull(sum(cnt) OVER (PARTITION BY MT.AccountNumber order by rowid ROWS BETWEEN 6 preceding and 1 preceding),0)/6