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How to run an async function through the task scheduler (aioschedule)?

I am writing a personal telegram bot, one of its functions is to show the balance of my accounts My code:

import asyncio
import aiogram
import aiohttp


async def get_balance(session, profiles_dict, message):
    async with session.get(f'{profiles_dict[1][1]}') as resp:
        html = await resp.json()

        each_wallet = int(html['money'])

        await bot.send_message(,
            f'🟢 <a href="{profiles_dict[1][0]}">{profiles_dict[0]}</a> : <i>{each_wallet}</i>',
            disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode=types.ParseMode.HTML)


async def main(message):
    profiles = users()

    async with aiohttp.ClientSession(trust_env=True) as session:
        tasks = []

        if message.text == 'Balance 💸':
            await bot.send_message(, 'Information request. Wait..')

            for i in profiles.items():
                task = asyncio.ensure_future(get_balance(session, i, message, stats))
            await asyncio.gather(*tasks)

        if message.text == 'On Sale 💰':

        if message.text == 'Timeout Items ⌛':

executor.start_polling(dp, skip_updates=False)

get_balance() works in async mode, sends aiohttp requests to the API and outputs information await bot.send_message(). Result:

enter image description here

Now the launch of the function is implemented through the keyboard button, but how to make the function run every hour? I am aware of the existence of asynchronous task scheduler aioschedule and have seen this example. But they run a function without arguments, but I have as many as 3 of them async def get_balance(session, profiles_dict, message). I tried to do this:

import asyncio
import aioschedule

async def scheduler(session, profiles_dict, message):
    aioschedule.every(), profiles_dict, message))
    while True:
        await aioschedule.run_pending()
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

async def on_startup(session, profiles_dict, message):
    asyncio.create_task(scheduler(session, profiles_dict, message))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    executor.start_polling(dp, skip_updates=False, on_startup=on_startup(session, profiles_dict, message))

Obviously it doesn't work that way. enter image description here

My question is:

How to run an async function with arguments that sends aiohttp requests through task scheduling aioschedule and display the result through telegram aiogram?


  • Solution:

    import aiogram
    import asyncio
    import aiohttp
    import aioschedule
    async def get_balance(session, profiles_dict):
        async with session.get(f'{profiles_dict[1][1]}') as resp:
            html = await resp.json()
            each_wallet = int(html['money'])
            await bot.send_message(MY_TELEGRAM_ID,
                f'🟢 <a href="{profiles_dict[1][0]}">{profiles_dict[0]}</a> : <i>{each_wallet}</i>',
                disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode=types.ParseMode.HTML)
    async def main(message):
        profiles = users()
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession(trust_env=True) as session:
            tasks = []
            if message.text == 'Balance 💸':
                await bot.send_message(, 'Information request. Wait..')
                for i in profiles.items():
                    task = asyncio.ensure_future(get_balance(session, i))
                await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
            if message.text == 'On Sale 💰':
            if message.text == 'Timeout Items ⌛':
    # Client session get_balance function
    async def session_get_balance():
        profiles = users()
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession(trust_env=True) as session:
            tasks = []
            for i in profiles.items():
                task = asyncio.ensure_future(get_balance(session, i))
            await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
    # Schedule functions by time
    async def scheduler():
        while True:
            await aioschedule.run_pending()
            await asyncio.sleep(1)
    # Function at start
    async def on_startup(_):
    # Launch telegram bot
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        executor.start_polling(dp, skip_updates=True, on_startup=on_startup)

    Since this is my personal bot, instead of I specified my MY_TELEGRAM_ID.

    await bot.send_message(MY_TELEGRAM_ID,
                f'🟢 <a href="{profiles_dict[1][0]}">{profiles_dict[0]}</a> : <i>{each_wallet}</i>',
                disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode=types.ParseMode.HTML)