I have the following rule condition
$entity: (Entity(field != null) or Entity(field == null))
If the drools session has these two facts
Entity(field = null)
Entity(field = "Some Value")
When I inspect $entity
, which of the two is going to be there?
The behavior I'm looking for is for $entity
to store Entity(field = "Some value")
if both facts are in session, is there a way to accomplish this?
The behavior I'm looking for is for
to storeEntity(field = "Some value")
if both facts are in session, is there a way to accomplish this?
You'd do this by checking for both and then only keeping the one that you really want to be doing work on.
rule "Example"
exists( Entity(field == null ) )
$entity: Entity( field != null )
// ...
Here, the rule checks for the presence of an Entity
that has no field value set using the exists
operator. Exists, like it implies, only checks that a fact meets these criteria, but doesn't ever retain a reference to it.
Then the second condition checks that an Entity
exists that does have a field value set, and assigns it to $entity
so it can be referenced in the consequences/right hand side/then clause.
Only if both of these conditions are met will this rule trigger.
Note that if you happen to have three facts in working memory like this:
Entity(field = null)
Entity(field = "ABC" )
Entity(field = "XYZ")
... then this rule will fire twice. It will trigger once for A+B and once for A+C. In both cases, the presence of fact A will satisfy the exists
condition, but both B and C satisfy the second condition so will both independently trigger the rule.