how to use map() instead of the following nested for loop the idea to not use for loop :)
def f(matrix):
r, c = np.shape(array)
for col in range(0,c):
for row in range(0,r):
if array[row][col] >= max(array[row]):
I tried to use something similar this formate but I am stuck:
print(list(map(lambda (x,y): print(x[y]) , A)))
but not working thank you :)
You can easily compare every element of a row to the row's max with np.where
. Numpy has a built-in function which applies a 1D function along a given axis called np.apply_along_axis
, which is equivalent but faster then looping over your array. Here is your solution on an example matrix with random elements:
import numpy as np
def max_comp(row):
return np.where(row>=max(row), True, False)
matrix = np.random.randint(10, size=(5,5))
output = np.apply_along_axis(max_comp, axis=1, arr=matrix)
[[2 3 1 4 5]
[9 6 0 1 1]
[9 6 3 4 1]
[3 7 6 1 7]
[2 1 5 7 2]]
[[False False False False True]
[ True False False False False]
[ True False False False False]
[False True False False True]
[False False False True False]]