I am creating the following rollup job on opensearch 2.1.0 , here you can see the json I use to create the rollup using a curl command.
"rollup": {
"source_index": "source_index",
"target_index": "rollup-index",
"schedule": {
"interval": {
"period": 1,
"unit": "Minutes"
"description": "Test Rollup job",
"enabled": true,
"page_size": 200,
"delay": 0,
"continuous": true,
"dimensions": [{
"date_histogram": {
"source_field": "Timestamp",
"fixed_interval": "1d"
{"terms": {"source_field": "Type"}}
"metrics": [
"source_field": "Count",
"metrics": [
"source_field": "Length",
"metrics": [
"max": {},"avg":{}
"source_field": "Requests",
"metrics": [
When I try to start the job it fails with
"rollup-test" : {
"rollup_metadata" : {
"rollup_id" : "rollup-test",
"last_updated_time" : 1661165220488,
"continuous" : {
"next_window_start_time" : 1651363200000,
"next_window_end_time" : 1651449600000
"status" : "failed",
"failure_reason" : "failed to parse field [Length.max] of type [float] in document with id 'R766Ut9LtN-y3OK12fjBGA'. Preview of field's value: '-Infinity'",
"stats" : {
"pages_processed" : 1,
"documents_processed" : 125624,
"rollups_indexed" : 0,
"index_time_in_millis" : 0,
"search_time_in_millis" : 3
The type for Length is mapped as
"Length" : {
"type" : "float"
I can't understand why, I've used max in other rollup jobs and it always worked.
The problem is that not all the documents have Length. It looks like max(null) return '-Infinity' If I update all the documents to have at least Length=0 I can run the rollup job fine.