I am using stringr
to extract the date and the train identifier for each row in a dataframe from the variable status
. The string should have the following format:
2008-07-01 : Train_528 :cancelled
2005-11-01 : Train_528 :postponed
2005-06-28 : Train_528 :ontime
I use the following code to extract train id and date:
train_df %>%
separate_rows(status, sep = "\\n") %>%
mutate(date = as.Date(str_extract(status, "\\d.*\\d")),
train_id = str_extract(status, "(?<=:)\\w.*(?= :ontime)"))
The code works successfully. However, in some cases, the data is formatted incorrectly where the train ID should have been between the date and the status.
2008-07-01 : :cancelled
2005-11-01 : :postponed
2005-06-28 : :ontime
:Train_528 :cancelled
:Train_528 :postponed
:Train_528 :ontime
The main way to identify this issue is to match two colons with no characters in between:": :"
. What pattern can I use to pull the train ID without matching the train status string.
I tried using the following code but failed:
train_df %>%
separate_rows(status, sep = "\\n") %>%
mutate(status_duplicated = status) %>%
mutate(date = as.Date(str_extract(status, "\\d.*\\d")),
train_id = if_else(str_detect(status, ":\\s:"),
str_extract(status_duplicated, "(?<=:)\\w.*(?= :ontime)"),
str_extract(status, "(?<=:)\\w.*(?= :)")))
train_df <- structure(list(county = 1:3, status = c("2008-07-01 : :cancelled\n2005-11-01 : :postponed\n2005-06-28 : :ontime\n :Train_528 :cancelled\n :Train_528 :postponed\n :Train_528 :ontime",
"2017-01-13 :Train_222 :ontime\n2016-09-30 :Train_222 :postponed\n2016-09-14 :Train_222 :cancelled\n2014-08-07 :TR 1323 :cancelled\n :TR 1323 :postponed",
"1985-05-18 :Train_12 :ontime\n1981-12-15 :Train_12 :postponed"
)), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA,
Your expected outcome is implicit. Here is a possible solution:
train_df %>%
separate_rows(status, sep = "\n") %>%
separate(status, c("date", "train_id", "status"), sep = "\\s*:\\s*") %>%
mutate(across(-county, na_if, "")) %>%
fill(date, train_id, .direction = "downup")
# A tibble: 13 × 4
county date train_id status
<int> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 1 2008-07-01 Train_528 cancelled
2 1 2005-11-01 Train_528 postponed
3 1 2005-06-28 Train_528 ontime
4 1 2005-06-28 Train_528 cancelled
5 1 2005-06-28 Train_528 postponed
6 1 2005-06-28 Train_528 ontime
7 2 2017-01-13 Train_222 ontime
8 2 2016-09-30 Train_222 postponed
9 2 2016-09-14 Train_222 cancelled
10 2 2014-08-07 TR 1323 cancelled
11 2 2014-08-07 TR 1323 postponed
12 3 1985-05-18 Train_12 ontime
13 3 1981-12-15 Train_12 postponed