With the PlantUML Standard Syntax it is possible to influence the direction of an arrow:
(*) -up-> "We went up"
-right-> "We went right"
--> "We went down because this is standard"
-left-> (*)
I want to do the same but in the PlantUML Beta Syntax.
What I have found is the possibility to influence the color and style of the arrow like in the example below:
:We went down because this is standard;
-[#green,dashed]-> We went down with a green and dashed arrow;
:We went down again;
But this doesn't work with directions when trying -right->
, -r->
, -[right]->
or anything similar.
Is there a possibility to influence the direction of an arrow in PlantUML Beta Syntax?
It is not possible to change the direction of an arrow in PlantUML Beta syntax.
I posted this question in January 2020 and there is still no answer although quite some people have looked at the question. Also two people have commented on this likely not beeing possible (Thanks @HaeschenAufGras and @Fuhrmanator).
You can see the details of why this is likely not possible in the comments under the original question.
If you know a way how the direction of an arrow can be changed in PlantUML Beta syntax please do post an answer. I'll be happy to change the accepted answer to that one ;-)