How do I delete a VM using tags? Let's say there is a VM with the tags "Name:Surname". How can I delete this VM without using the VM name or ID. Namely deletion using tags. I try to use:
get-azvm -ResourceGroupName "ResourceGroup" | Where-Object {$_.Tags -like "[Name, blabla], [Surname, blabla]"}
but it didn't find that VM
I have reproduced in my environment. Firstly, you need to find the Virtual Machine using the below command:
xx- Name of the resource group
hello- tag name
get-azvm -ResourceGroupName "xx" | Where-Object {$_.Tags['hello']}
After getting the VM name you can use the below command to delete the VM:
xx- Name of the resource group yy- Name of the vm.
Remove-AzVM -ResourceGroupName "xx" -Name "yy"
Then type Y(yes) to delete the VM as below:
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