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Contentful NodeJs SDK, Client.getEntries | Load nested ContentType fields

I have the following structure

User {
   image: Asset

Comment {
   author: User

BlogArticle {
   slug: Text
   author: User
   comments: Comment[]

When I pull entries with the following method

const articles = await client.getEntries({ content_type: "BlogArticle" })

I only get the sys property for the author

      author: {
           sys: {
           fields ??????

PS: This is the case for all types that come in second level of nesting

I checked the docs and the apis but with no luck

Any help ?


  • I created a similar content model and was able to get the fields of the Author successfully. One thing you can do is use the include parameter. With the include parameter, your code should look as follow:

    const articles = await client.getEntries({ content_type: "BlogArticle", include: 2 })

    You can learn more about it here