I want to get a list of all the attributes of the class including the attributes used in sub_objects of this class.
class Phones:
mobile: Optional[str] = None
work_phone: Optional[str] = None
class People:
id: str
name: str
phones: Phones
I have People class and one of its attributes is of type Phones
I want to return this list:
['id', 'name', 'mobile', 'work_phone']
I tried __dict__
, __annotations__
, dir()
and more staff but I can't find a way to do it generic and dynamic. My solution is to do a convertor and return this list hardcoded which seems as a bad idea for maintenance.
I want all the attributes with primitive type. (For example I don't want to include phones
Thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/users/13526701/noblockhit
I managed to achieve what I wanted with the next code:
def list_attributes(entity: object) -> List[str]:
@returns: List of all the primitive attributes
attributes: List[str] = []
entity_attributes = entity.__annotations__.items()
for attribute_name, attribute_type in entity_attributes:
if is_dataclass(attribute_type):
attributes += list_attributes(attribute_type)
return attributes